First time I saw WANTED I was more impressed with their absurdly cool abilities, bending bullets --- whoa!! That's to name one of the many BUT what really tuned my attention was the visual effects that were used in the movie. Let me tell you one thing before I go any further., I watched movies like everyone else but when I sit there infront of the screen I usually go " hmm I wonder how they make that effect, I wonder how many camera they used, I wonder if the background is real, I wonder if that is CG or real..." those are the things that are going on in my head when I watch a movie.
Anyways, when i watched WANTED, I WANTED to watch it again and try to achieve one of the very first effect in the movie where a fancy bullet shot the guy in the head and their was some fancy blood effect. Of course now I am faced with resources and time and not to mention those great talented artists, well I wanted to do it so I sat down and studied the scene again and again after which I started to model the bullet ( this was the easiest part and maybe the most fun'nest' part ). I knew I won't be able to achieve the effect as precisely due to some obvious reason like resources mainly and also its a hollywood movie effect that took atleast few thousands $$ wise and hour wise..which I dont have ( neither of them ).
My point really is that, its a feat that is quite high up there but I honestly think if I have more time and patience I can get this effect almost like the movie. The video below is my test render though I don't think I will work on it any further. Zero dollar spent and maybe 2 days for the making. I think it aint that bad and well it was a good practice.
Wanted Effect (Revised and Improved) from John Paite on Vimeo.